Takhmina Burkhanova
PRO Plus Coach

Takhmina boasts a rich competitive history, having participated in esteemed WTA tournaments and proudly represented her nation in the Fed Cup. Drawing from this vast experience, she adeptly imparts her deep-seated tennis wisdom to her students. Fluent in multiple languages, she ensures clear and comprehensive communication, catering not only to those seeking dynamic training but also to players eager to delve deeper, uncovering insights that transcend the obvious facets of the game.
Takhmina Burkhanova
"I love tennis. Over many years of competition, I have noticed many small details that make the difference between victory and defeat". Takhmina's website: www.takhminaburkhanova.com
Reserve a training session with Takhmina Burkhanova
We cannot guarantee the coach's availability due to a busy schedule. In such cases, we will do our best to arrange a training session with another coach of the same level.